Bolton mum needs help after falling ill in Jamaica

Deborah Willcock, 62, from Harwood, went on a family holiday to Montego Bay with her husband Mike, daughter Ashley, son Aaron, and her five grandchildren last Wednesday (August 23).

She  suffered a heart-attack on the Thursday and remains in intensive care.

And now family friend Sophie Rhone is calling on the community to help raise £60k so that Deborah can undergo an emergency heart operation Kingston, meaning she will be able to come home eventually.

Sophie said: “She is awake but has memory loss from when she had a heart attack and they had to administer CPR.

“She didn’t even know she was in Jamaica, and she has been in and out of sleep and quite confused.

The Bolton News: Deborah with her husband Mike and five grandchildren in JamaicaDeborah with her husband Mike and five grandchildren in Jamaica (Image: Public)

“The family are just devastated because Deborah is like that backbone of the family.

“She would give you her last pound.

“She is such a caring woman, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer family.”

Her family already shelled out £16k for immediate treatment.

But Sophie says that the hospital is saying they will not move her for a life-saving operation due an insurance error.

Deborah’s family say she had made a genuine error of not stating she had diabetes type 2, and whilst the insurance company AXA “sympathise” with Deborah’s situation, they said that not disclosing certain information can invalidate a policy.

 An AXA Partners spokesperson said: “We sympathise with Ms Willcock’s situation. “When purchasing travel insurance, it is crucial that previous medical history and any pre-existing conditions are declared for all those named on the policy.

The Bolton News: Deborah with her daughter Ashley and Aaron in JamaicaDeborah with her daughter Ashley and Aaron in Jamaica (Image: Public)

“Not doing so can invalidate a policy and we make this clear at multiple stages when customers buy their travel insurance with us.”

Prior to her trip Deborah was working for Bolton Council as a social worker, and Sophie says she always puts people first.

She added: “She always puts everybody first and will do anything for anybody.

“As soon as she has surgery she can come home after some days recovering.”

To help Deborah have the surgery she needs click here (

If you have a story and something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on Twitter @JournoJasmine.

Source – INDIA TV